
have you caught on, yet?

...that I love to pair dining tables and chairs? 
I have been wanting a new dining room table recently, only because the one I have is really hard to clean under.  (lame reason, I know)  It is a gate-leg table, and it should seat six, but really only seats four.  Anyway, I got a cb2 catalog last week with the above table on the cover, only it was the room view, so when you click on it, go to the room view.  I love it.  It is exactly what I want.  However, it is, well... I would never pay that much for a table.

But, while I am daydreaming, I would of course have to get new chairs to go with it, so I picked out these awesome chairs at cb2.com.  They are much more than I would ever really pay for dining chairs.  

And today, I got the MoMAstore catalog, and check out this well-it's-art-so-it's-priced-like-it chair:

I think it would look great with a bright red painted wood trestle table.

Next I'll do sofas and tables (side or coffee?).  I know, you can't wait...

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