
make it!

Here is a great gift that I think would be easy to make (even for those with large, unwieldy hands).  All you need is a pants hanger, a piece of board you could probably get in the scrap section at home depot, or maybe at a craft store, some chalkboard paint (you could probably borrow this from one of your friends, say me, for instance).  I think I would bypass the elastic around the bottom, but if you wanted to, I am sure you could use one of those elastic headbands or something.  Or, if you don't want to do all this, you could just buy it at MoMAstore.  It is called the Cap'n Hook Chalkboard for (yikes) $55.00.  (I am pretty sure you could make it for cheaper.)

1 comment:

Uphill Downhill said...

I don't know. . . I'll try. . .