
coffee talk

Our coffee maker is not working so well anymore, so yesterday I was hunting around for a new one online. As per usual for me, it takes me forever to find something I really like. I would like to buy a quality one, one that will last more than 4 years, but it seems on one makes that kind anymore. According to the reviews, anyway. If you have ever read product reviews, then you know what a black hole that is. For every seven people who love the product, there is the one guy from Topeka or somewhere who insists that if you buy the product, you are a complete fool, and you might as well just shred your money, stuff it in plastic easter eggs, and mail it to the Philippines because that would be a better use of that $70 you are wanting to plunk down on this overpriced, overrated, hipster coffee maker. I love to read these reviews, they are a window into people's psyches. I find them entertaining and usually absurd. Never really helpful.
I also want one that is not ugly. No one really makes those either. Here is the one I found. It is pricey, and it got awful reviews. I want it nonetheless. It is by Mr. Coffee. It is brown! I love it.

This one it a little more reasonably priced, and stylish, but no where near as cute as the Mr. Coffee one. I'm kind of over the whole stainless steel thing, though.

I could always go vintage. (Ebay wouldn't let me steal the picture.)

As usual, there are too many choices. Welcome to America...